College Reviews

There are so many great colleges to choose from, and it can be hard to decide what works for you, use this college finder to get started:

Using this tool you can enter things like, location, major, and budget to start looking at schools!

Some of the Schools that we have locally are Ventura College and California State University Channel Islands. VC is one of the best local options for students with a budget. CSUCI Is also a great option for students looking for a BA or BS Degree on a budget. Both offer scholarship options.

You can also look at Rate my Professors to see what scores specific schools and teachers get, and to read reviews from actual students! (We recommend using this tool before signing up for classes to see what professors will match your learning style best! Keep in mind that average reviews are less often given. Usually students who had a great experience or horrible experience will rate their professors. Many professors will work better for some students learning styles than others!)

Photo by George Pak on