About High School Spotlight


Let us introduce you to our new exciting social platform that we created specifically for high schools.  This platform will give schools and their student body an opportunity to gain recognition, compete for prizes, scholarships, as well as interact and share valuable information with their peers. Our mission is stated as follows:

High School Spotlight (HSS) is for the youth. Committed to providing simple answers and solutions for frequently asked questions and concerns, the HSS mission is to promote health and stability for youth, while at the same time creating a reliable online support system and community that can be utilized by parents and schools as well.  The magazine will be easily accessible via facebook, twitter, and other social networks, with up to date applications.  Simply put, our goal is to make life easier for kids, to keep them up to date, to help them deal with issues which presented themselves in today’s fast pace world.  

You can see if your school qualifies to sign up your fundraising and competitions by visiting our sign up page to activate your page.   Heres’ the link to apply:



Depression can be a major player in how you are feeling from day to day. Here you can find advice and articles written by Students and others who understand and have been through it too. Remember you are not alone. If this is a mental health emergency call #988 Articles by Students for Students:


Time Management is an important thing to master. It can make your life easier, help you do better in school and work, and make it easier for you do spend more time on the things you like to do. No one likes to feel stressed as a deadline approaches, and overwhelmed with a mountain of…